1. Sunday – I had the privilege of hearing my Mother preach on Pentecost Sunday. She is retiring again in June, so I may not have as many opportunities to hear her as I have had in the past, so I am especially thankful for this occasion. Her little country church is so grateful to have such a loving, dedicated pastor, and were very welcoming of us as visitors. Our daughter and son-in-law and their three children were here for the weekend and went with us. We pooled our lunch plans and had a delightful lunch at Mother’s house afterwards. I brought sandwich makings; and she had cooked a big pot of chili and a couple of pans of cornsticks because she was expecting out-of-town company. So we had a satisfying meal and good visiting time. A male friend of hers, who has been in chemotherapy and unable to visit for awhile, came up to see her during the afternoon, so we got to visit with him, too.
2. Monday - Memorial Day. What a wonderful holiday! We thought about and prayed for our soldiers and gave thanks for all those who have preserved our freedoms for us throughout the years. Our daughter, her husband and children were in town for the weekend. We enjoyed looking at property with them around town. We met our son and his family, my sister and brother and their families at our Mother's house and had a cookout. The children had so much fun playing ball in the yard after eating their fill of hot dogs and hamburgers.
3. Tuesday – Our son and his wife (both principals) are still in school even though their children finished up Friday, so my DH and I got to be second-time-around parents this week. Monday the two youngest (9 and 13) stayed home and asleep when mom and dad left for work. The oldest had “Breakfast Club” early every morning this week and had to be at school to do strength training and drill for next year’s basketball team. When she finished at 9:00, we picked her up, went by their house and got the other two, had lunch and spent the rest of the day together. We had a wonderful day today.
4. Wednesday - DH and son played golf after lunch with son’s colleagues. The children and I cleaned house, watched home movies, made their dad’s birthday dessert (a frozen lemon concoction he loves), and generally enjoyed the hot day indoors.
5. Thursday – DH picked up the children, and due to unexpected and unannounced bonus practices, ended up not getting home until after lunch. I enjoyed the quiet morning and did a little furniture shopping (bought nothing. Just looked and got ideas). When the children got here, we started putting together a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle. It is a three dimensional picture of hot air balloons, and we got it almost half done before they had to go home.
6. Friday – This was Son’s birthday (see previous post). His wife took the day off work to clean house and prepare a birthday dinner for him. So I didn’t get to be “mama” to the children today. I went early in the morning to an estate sale (one of my favorite entertainments). I bought a few books, and some odds and ends – about $20 total expenditure. Then I came home and did computer work for a few hours. Our birthday dinner was spectacular. His wife is a very good cook and outdid herself. Her parents and sister's family, whom we don't get to see very often, were able to be there too; and we had a lot of fun together.
7. Saturday - A blessed day of relaxation and rest. We drove around and looked at houses for sale, I went back to the estate sale and bought a couple more things that had been reduced for the last day of the sale, and got the laundry done. DH watched our postbirthday boy play a couple of tennis matches.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen.
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