Thursday, January 04, 2007

2007 Trends, Part II: Nutrition Trends

In my last post I mentioned two articles that appeared in the Atlanta Journal Constitution Thursday, January 4. One article was about general trends for the future. I posted reaction to that one yesterday.

The other article was written in consultation with seven nutrition experts-of-the-week. It is entitled From A to Z: Predicting 2007 Trends in Food. There were few surprises here. Transfats are still the devil. Fish is still the savior. Desserts are still discouraged.

Thankfully, I got confirmation of the health benefit I am gaining with my daily 1/2 ounce of Dove Dark Chocolate.

Some new vocabulary coming out of this article was interesting to this self-proclaimed wordnerd.

gastroporn: This term derived from the fact that our
society eats microwaved frozen dinners while watching cooking shows on TV. One of these article-writing nutrition experts says, "The preparing, cooking, tasting and eating of food have become voyeuristic pleasures separated from physical reality."

apparently Japanese versions of tapas bars. Hmmm...and tapas bars are ?????

Personalized Diets:
"I am so unique, that any diet must be designed for me alone."

Reverse Dieting:
Eat less as the day progresses - big breakfast, small dinner . This has been around for awhile, but the terminology is new to me.

Quick-Service Restaurants:
Fast food joints - MacDonald's and its clones. I guess that instead of saying, "Let's just grab some fast food" we'll now say, "Let's just stop by a QSR"

Pedigree Water: snob water - it's about the prestige label - intended for the "image is everything" crowd.

Everyday Exotica: This is the fancy, used-to-be-considered-exotic foods that have replaced mac 'n cheese as daily fare.

A few interesting trends noted in this article:
1. Celebrity chefs affiliating themselves with restaurant chains.
2. Backlash against salt - even arguing that it should be removed from the Generally Recognized as Safe list.
3. Locally grown food so consumers know where and how food is being grown.

Again my virtual friends, our benevolent Blogger betrays me and denies me access the picture-posting pleasures, so this post again comes to you naked and unadorned -- but full of useful information on what to expect in 2007.

Update: fifteenth try yields success in picture uploading!

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