Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Tree of Freedom

 The August assignment in the Deadline for Writers group was to write a poem about Freedom. This is my submission. It was inspired by "Freedom's Plow" by Langston Hughes. 

The Tree of Freedom


Labor-worn, I seek respite for my weary soul beneath a towering oak.

Its branches deflect the heat of the waning sun

And gentle breezes cool and renew my body. 

This peaceful sanctuary,

though a gift for me,

stands rooted in the toil of ages past.


Long ago, wishing only to live together in peace,

An enslaved people,

yoked together in this common cause,

Gathered the scattered seeds of freedom,

Turned their backs on ease,

and set their hands to the plow.


Furrow by furrow,

 the rocky hills gave way to their will.

They fed the soil with gritty virtue

and hidden tears.

When strength failed,

resolve alone bent their backs to the task;

As, furrow by furrow,

they dropped the seeds of respect and love.


Across the field of history, other laborers sprinkled the water of truth.

While the sun of knowledge shone on the growing seedling,

The calming peace of order held its roots secure and directed it ever heavenward;

‘til standing tall, Freedom spread her branches wide,

inviting me;

 welcoming you;

sheltering all.


 Yet, we who rest in her shade dare not rest too long;

freedom’s tree needs tending still.

Generations yet to be will climb this hill seeking to be free.

Ever vigilant,

we must pledge to guard each person’s right to life.

Never flagging,

we must assure each person can speak his thoughts.


Shield, come what may, Freedom’s tree

from the drought of self and

the plague of comfort, security, and peace too dearly prized.

Preserve and enlarge, at any cost, this flowering freedom

‘Til every man can live as he will

in a land of beauty, love and liberty.

1 comment:

Carol said...
