Wednesday, April 03, 2019

The Supernal Sea

The Supernal Sea

My spirit reaching, longing to be free,              
When weary, beaten down, and battle-sore,
Finds sweet release beside the soothing sea, 
At home again upon a sandy shore.

I wait with shuttered eyes and hear the purr  
Of waves advancing near to kiss the sand.
And briny breezes, discord’s saboteur,
Now softly offer me a gentle hand.

And I, with seabirds, glide the azure sky
On wings of peace, devoid of earthly care.
My heart and soul with joy to Heaven fly,
And feel the breath of Angels’ whispered prayer.

Ashore again, renewed, I turn my face
To joy in life, secure in God’s embrace.

--Joan Shaw Turrentine
March 2019
12 Poems in 12 Months
Poetry Prompt - Write a Sonnet

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