and/or for noting important events in our lives.
Seven Positive Thoughts to Start the Week
1. I thank God that there are compassionate people in our society who have done much to ameliorate the pain in Blacksburg, VA this week.
2. I am looking forward to church Sunday night. The parents of the Rome soldier who was killed in Iraq in 2004 will be speaking.
3. We had meals this week with several different family members -- with time for conversation before and after.
4. I finally finished "evaluating" the +/- 400 essays written by 6th and 7th graders as practice for the state-graded 8th grade writing test. Reading so many essays on the same two topics is somewhat mind-numbing -- especially since many students seemed to expend very minimal effort in the endeavor. Summarizing the general strengths and weaknesses that I observed in the writing samples so that teachers can focus their remedial instruction is also mentally strenuous. I am glad to have finished that assignment.
5. I only have one more PLU (10 clock-hours) of classes to take before I can gather my documentation and submit it for teaching certificate renewal.
6. If you are a pray-er, please stop a few minutes here and lift up a prayer for the auction of our house on Tuesday evening. We really need to get the best possible price for this house. Thank you. I am relieved that we will at least have some idea where we stand, whether for good or ill, after this time.
7. We have had gorgeous weather this week -- mild temperatures, partly sunny days and cool nights. The flowers and trees are blooming, lawns are green and lush, hummingbirds have found our feeder, we have been able to enjoy our sunroom for early-morning reading. We are blessed.
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