Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Tapestry of Love

 The Deadlines for Writers poem 2022-09 is due today. The prompt for this month's work is YOU. 

A Tapestry of Love

From early youth I’ve been in love with YOU -  

At least the YOU you seem to me to be. 

You hold my hand and speak of love sweet love, 

Are always kind and bright with courtesy. 


Another YOU bows down with low self-worth 

Your father’s frequent scorn instilled in you.  

That hidden hurt and hunger boils inside, 

Skewing your perceptions and worldview. 


The YOU your buddies know is someone else. 

A stranger full of swagger, often loud. 

The YOU at work is focused, driven, stern 

The YOUs in you are so diverse a crowd! 


And the ME you love is not the only ME.  

I, too, have heavy baggage from the past.  

But we're in this life together, Dearest One. 

We'll do whate’er it takes to make love last.  


I vow that I won’t try to change your ways.  

If you’ll accept and live in peace with mine.  

These varied threads of all the MEs and YOUs 

Will make, in time, a tapestry divine.  

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