Monday, September 19, 2022

Aunt Vek

I seldom remember my dreams in any detail at all; and when I do, I have to wonder at the state of my unconscious. They seldom make much sense. 

 Last night (early this morning actually) I dreamed of my dear maternal aunt, Aunt Vek (pronounced Veek, and substituting for Vera.) It has been 22 years since she went home to see the Savior she served in life; but here she was in my dreams this morning! It was unmistakably her although she was working in an old-fashioned department store and helping another customer select an undergarment, when I happened upon her. Why would my subconscious put her in this setting? I'm sure she never worked in a department store, and I don't recall ever shopping with her. But when, I first spotted her in the dream, she was talking animatedly with the customer. That part was very true-to-character. She was a very open and welcoming person who related comfortably to everyone around her. Another weird detail I remember is that a co-worker of hers observed our interaction, and immediately told us to visit and she would help the other customer. What a strange little detail to come up in the dream! 

Our brief reunion (hugs, exclamations, laughs) felt very familiar and acknowledged the length of our separation. I wish I remembered what we said to each other and how we parted again at the end; I don't. I just remember the warm home-coming feel of the dream. There was little substance to the dream, really, but I have found myself all morning remembering Aunt Vek with alternating tears and smiles. What a wit my aunt had! She was so much fun to be around; and I remember lots of laughing with her and her sisters. My much-more-reserved mother seemed to loosen up when she was with her big sister. Aunt Vek seemed to have an unlimited capacity to nurture - if you were hers to claim, you were perfect and beloved! I think her dozens of nieces and nephews feel the same way as I did about her. Rest in peace, Aunt Vek. You are still in our hearts. 

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