Wednesday, January 04, 2023

New Year's Resolutions

 In today's The Catholic Think newsletter, Michael Pakaluk made this interesting and valid insight into New Year's resolutions or any attempt we might make at self-improvement. "If I resolve not to eat between meals, or to put away machines when spending time with my family, I am making a merely 'corrective' resolution. If I am successful, I simply put myself back to where I should be. I don’t improve myself but keep from getting worse." He goes on to expound on how to make "additive" resolutions

or changes that add step upon step to make a cumulative improvement to one's situation. This would be something like "saving $10 every week." Then Mr. Pakaluk proposes making "compounding" resolutions - those that lead to increasing skills or knowledge. Perhaps running half a mile each day, likely increasing the distance as proficiency and endurance increase. Then he mentions "Provocative" resolutions - those that lead to other changes. He suggests several determinations or resolutions we might make that would meet this criteria. These would likely be changes that include our giving up some control of our lives. Resolving (determining) to work our way through a spiritual book with an open heart and mind might call us to make changes in outlook and give new direction to our lives. He suggests setting a regular schedule of meeting with a spiritual mentor or setting up a system to track spiritual insights and revelations - perhaps a scheduled nightly review of your conscience in light of God's grace.

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