Presented here for your enjoyment are thirteen (or so) randomly-chosen pics from our November cruise. They are also randomly presented - not in chronological order. The header photo is sunset over Acapulco Bay.

One of my favorite pictures from the trip - the older of these Guatamalan sisters worked hard to sell her products to the ship's passengers. She is seven and the little sister is 4.
At the same market in Guatamala, Brandon David's mother was happy for me to take his picture as he napped atop her goods for sale. Brandon is 18 months old; his mother appeared to be about 20.
We enjoyed walking down the street of this small Nicaraguan town. This boy was playing alone in the street with his soccer ball.

These mangrove trees were interesting. This was on the river boat cruise we took in Costa Rica.

Jim is getting ready to board the boat for the river cruise here. He was looking forward to seeing the wildlife. We did see 8 scarlet macaws, several crocodiles, and numerous exotic birds.

This is "them" watching us watching them watching us. Anyway, we were on the ship; they were on shore in the Panama Canal listening to a narrator tell them that our ship is the largest one to be able to go through the canal. They were taking pictures and greeting us; we were taking pictures and greeting them. Fun!

This sculpture (or at least three-dimensional art) in the lobby of the Hyatt in Acapulco was titled "Generations." I have forgotten the artist's name.

This huge and beautiful kapok tree stands in front of the Hyatt in Acapulco.

This is the view from the balcony of room 1730 of the Hyatt in Acapulco.

My loving DH was on the balcony of our stateroom as we approached Acapulco.

This is the chicken stew we watched being prepared in the Mexican cooking demontration we attended in Huatulco. Notice the presentation - the design on the edge of the plate is created with thin slices of cucumber, carrots, peppers and cabbage.

This is the chilequiles we saw being prepared. It was served as an appetizer.

There was no recognition of Thanksgiving Day on the ship except this extravagant display in the atrium. We did not have turkey and dressing or pumpkin pie for dinner!

This shot shows the balcony flowers along all the streets we walked in the walking tour we took in Cartegena, Colombia

Many ladies in Cartegena made their livings by dressing like this and soliciting tourists for photos.

Craft market in Orangestad, Aruba.

Mambo Beach in Aruba

Another shot of Mambo Beach
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That first picture is so precious!
Mangrove trees amaze me. Looks like quite the trip. So much color!
Those are a great group of photos you are sharing with us. I do love the ones with the children in them. So sweet.
Thanks for sharing those. That sculpture is fascinating to look at.
Oh it looks so warm!! I've been freezing all day. This is a delicious treat! Thanks - I love the water. My favorite is the second - the sleeping boy.
Happy TT!
My TT is about my rules of living.
Those are lovely! It looks like a fantastic trip and that you got to see and experience a lot.
happy TT!
I think I hate you! Looks like you had a wonderful time.
the Pink Flamingo
These pics make me jealous Joan. What fun!
These pictures are amazing!!
This looks like a wonderful trip. I am SO envious.
Mine: T13 #11 | Pictures from the Earth--"Closed for Winter"
but surely one more reason WE have to be thankful - my kids sure didn't have to work at 4 and 7.
Very sad.
Wow, what wonderful and colorful photos. Looks like it was a great cruise.
Oh, I LOVE the photos. It looks like a great trip!
It looks so much like my country the Philippines. Looks like you had a wonderful time!
I really enjoyed reading about your trip. I am going to try garnishing my plates like that. I made a bit in my Thirteen credits out of your "Generations" photo...come and see...I hope that you smile a little. That sculpture is amazing.
What a fascinating cruise. You took some great shots. I love the one of the sculpture as well as the street scenes. Thanks for the mangroves shot. I used mangroves in my book which is set in Puerto Rico. It's great to see more shots of them.
Happy TT.
Oh wow, some fantastic photos, and what an adventure.
Looks like a wonderful trip--thanks for posting the photos!
Great photos Joan. I am so glad you and your DH got to take such a wonderful trip. Wasn't the Acapulco Bay beautiful? When we were there we got off the "beach" road and saw some of the town. Very poor!!
My T13 is posted.
Pretty and interesting!
my 13
Wow! What a great trip!
What a wonderful, colorful set of photographs. :)
I have three TTs this week.
Raven's Rides: 13 places I went on my motorcycle yesterday
Raven's RV: 13 things we did in the RV when the power went out
Raven's Range: 13 thoughts about Thursday Thirteen
The link above has links to all three. :)
What a fabulous cruise. Wonderful photos of the children, and I loved the tree, too.
My TT is up.
Those photos make me feel warm...instead of freezing in the January rain!
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