Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Seven - 40th Edition

This week I am expressing gratitude acrostic style.
I pause this morning to give thanks for these specific blessings in my life:
S = Siblings and their Spouses, my own Special Spouse.
U = Uninterrupted, Unsupervised time to Understand what I look up on the computer.
N = Nat - Never Nerdy, Naturally Nice, beautiful granddaughter.
D = Daughter-in-law whose birthday is today. Truly a second daughter!
A = Aggie - Aspiring Actress and Agressive Athlete - beautiful granddaughter.
Y = Yearning for more knowledge and more connection with God and his world.
7 = more days of life - an opportunity to live, enjoy, breathe, smell, see, love, contribute!


Jane said...

GREAT idea for Sunday 7! Your list was wonderful. It is a blessing to be given a new day to start over, to make things right, to love again, to serve God.
Thanks for that reminder.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your list!