Sunday, October 29, 2023

Jim Turrentine, My Husband

 In about 1990, I was asked to write a poem for a church program honoring Jim.

Jim Turrentine

I introduce to you here with a laugh

The man who calls himself MY better half.

 But if the truth should be known,

And all secrets shown,

He's 3/4 instead of 1/2.


There were two dates to remember in ‘41:

One brought destruction, the other brought fun.

The 7th of December

We all will remember.

March 12th is the other one!


For that day Jim entered this world.

Raise the flag. Come on, get it unfurled.

In high school and in college

He played all sports, it's common knowledge.

But a jock's not all he was, Merle!


At 16 he was called to preach.

 The world he was anxious to reach.

 He began his own sphere;

 He ministered to his peers.

 God's message he began to teach.



I've lived with him now half his life.

Who knows a man better than his wife?

Soon 24 years

Of blood sweat and tears;

But joy and happiness have outweighed the strife.


Now we come to a time of summation.

Though our lives have had complications,

I must here admit

That I love his quick wit,

And I'd repeat vows without hesitation.

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